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Why Should You Consider a Doorstep Loan?

At Cockle Finance, we specialise in doorstep loans. If you’re in Romford or the surrounding areas and you are in need of some financial help, our personal loans are ideal. There are a number of benefits to choosing a doorstep loan, many of which you may not have considered. You may have just assumed that doorstep loans are simply loans that are delivered to your door, as many people do. However, they are much more than that.

The Benefits of a Doorstep Loan

Though you may not be all too familiar with doorstep loans, you are sure to know that they are hugely beneficial to anyone who is in need of money quickly and conveniently. Here’s why:

  • Everything is Finalised Quickly – When you apply for a loan, you are usually left waiting a while to find out whether or not you have been approved. Once you have been approved, then there’s often still a wait until you receive the money that you so desperately need. This isn’t ideal and it can leave you without funds for longer than is ideal. With a doorstep loan, everything is finalised a lot quicker. You will receive your personal loan in no time at all. That’s not something that a lot of loan companies can promise.
  • There’s No Additional Interest if Your Circumstances Change – When you take out a loan, you do so based on your current financial status. However, things can change. Your circumstances can change in an instant. Luckily, that won’t affect your doorstep loan. There’s no additional interest added to your loan if your circumstances do change in any way, which means that you can work out ahead of time what you are paying and when. Doorstep loans are easy to factor into your weekly or monthly budget.
  • The Service is Personal and Convenient – When you take out a doorstep loan, you are guaranteed a truly personal service. An agent travels directly to your doorstep and takes care of everything, including delivering the money and collecting the repayments. There’s no need to visit a bank, no need to access a bank account and no need to spend hours on the phone trying to negotiate the terms.
  • You Can Be Accepted With a Poor Credit Rating – A lot of lenders will turn you down if you have a poor credit rating, but this isn’t the case with a doorstep loan. Even if you have a poor credit score, you can still apply and be approved for a fantastic doorstep loan. If you have been turned down for a loan by another lender in the past, you may still be approved for a doorstep loan at Cockle Finance.

To find out more about doorstep loans and how they work, get in touch with Cockle Finance. At Cockle Finance we have experience in lending to a range of different people and we are always happy to help. When it comes to personal finance and small loans, our team can be relied upon.

Dan Cockle is the Managing Director of Cockle Finance and current Vice Chairman of the Consumer Credit Association. He has over 15 years’ experience in Financial Services with a passion for Finance, and particularly Fintech. He was shortlisted for Business Leader of the Year in the Alternative/Consumer Finance category of the 2023 Credit Strategy Leadership Awards. Outside of work Dan enjoys cooking and is a keen golfer.

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