Find a Payday Loan Alternative With Cockle Finance

Cockle Finance is an established financial broker based in Essex. We have been providing people in the area first-rate financial services for decades which includes a number of different short-term financing options. Our friendly and professional experts will help you to find an alternative to a payday loan to help you meet your day-to-day expenditure and one-off expenses.

Payday Loan Bad Credit? Find An Alternative!

To be clear, payday loans tend to be a more expensive way of borrowing than is right for many people’s circumstances. That’s why, at Cockle Finance, we don’t offer them but seek more straightforward and cost-effective alternatives. It all depends on your personal circumstances, but borrowing until your next pay cheque comes in is usually an inefficient way of meeting your financial needs. This can be especially so if you are not sure whether you’ll be able to pay off the full sum you borrowed with a payday loan when your employer next pays you.

Therefore, it is often best to seek an alternative borrowing arrangement even if you only need some extra cash until you are next paid. This is what our team of professionals at Cockle Finance will do for you. They’ll scour the market to find a suitable lender who can provide you with the sort of loan that you need without the need to resort to a payday loan.

What Payday Loan Alternatives Are There?

Given that a payday loan is supposed to be a short-term payment that will tide you over until your next payday, a short term loan is often the best alternative. With a short term loan from Cockle Finance, you can choose the time frame over which you’d like to pay back the sum you borrowed. Not only are they often cheaper because less interest is charged compared to a typical payday loan, but they mean being able to repay the loan over two or even three paydays. This makes them more affordable in many cases.

As a trusted broker of short term financing deals, you can also turn to Cockle Finance for doorstep loans if you live in our locality. The major difference between a short term loan and a doorstep loan is that, with the latter, you get a more personal touch with one of our team collecting your repayments from you directly. We offer such loans throughout Essex, anywhere from Loughton to Clacton or from Colchester to Romford.

Short Term Finance For A Range Of Needs

Of course, you might also need a payday loan alternative for a car so you can get to work. We also offer specialist car financing services that are often superior to a payday loan if you need a vehicle and a structured repayment arrangement.

We offer unsecured loans – or personal loans as they are sometimes called – by matching you with appropriate lenders. As you can see, there are plenty of alternatives to payday loans and most of them are more attractive options. As a broker, Cockle Finance will act in your best interests to find the right loan for you even if you are currently unemployed or have a poor credit history. Why not apply for a payday loan alternative today There are a range of finance options available for people who want to borrow money. Doorstep loans are a great finance option that is well suited to short term borrowing. Find out more information about a doorstep loan here.

Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to
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