How to Save Money on Large Purchases

It doesn’t matter what you are buying or how much it’s going to cost, everyone wants to save money on large purchases. Knowing how to save money on large purchases isn’t always clear, with a lot of people assuming that they are going to end up paying a lot regardless. However, this isn’t the case. There are a number of different ways to save money, it’s just a case of knowing what to do.


You Can Save Money on Your Expensive Purchases


  • Always Shop Around – Though you may have a ‘go to’ shop or website that you use, it’s always beneficial to shop around. You’ll be able to buy most large purchases from a wide range of places, some of which may be selling it at a cheaper price. Rather than simply shopping at the same place that you always do, branch out and see what else is on offer. A lot of places allow you to save money on your first purchase with them, which you can only take advantage of if you are willing to shop around.


  • Look for Discounts, Deals and Offers – There are always discounts, deals and special offers to take advantage of. It’s just a case of taking the time to find them and use them. You won’t have to browse shops for long before you find a store that’s offering money off to first time customers or 20% off when you spend over a certain amount.


  • Consider Buying Second Hand – It’s always nice to buy something that’s brand new and to be the first person to use it, but this can sometimes be a waste of money. When there are so many high quality, close to brand new second hand items on offer you would be silly to not at least consider them. A lot of people buy second hand cars because they are considerably cheaper than those that are brand new, but they are very similar in terms of quality and investment potential.


  • Think About Whether You Really Need It – We’re all guilty of impulse buying something that we don’t really need simply because we wanted it at the time. This can be a problem when it comes to large purchases, as a lot of money can go to waste. Before buying an expensive item, consider whether or not you do really need it. If you don’t really need it, you will save a lot of money by moving onto the next thing.


When it comes to buying large and expensive items, most people will need to save up in advance. Not only does this mean that you have to dedicate yourself to strictly saving money, but it also means that you will have to do without your much anticipated purchase for weeks or even months before you can afford it. At Cockle Finance, we help by providing doorstep loans. With a doorstep loan, you can buy what you need and think about the repayments at a later date. To find out more, get in touch.

Dan Cockle is the Managing Director of Cockle Finance and current Vice Chairman of the Consumer Credit Association. He has over 15 years’ experience in Financial Services with a passion for Finance, and particularly Fintech. He was shortlisted for Business Leader of the Year in the Alternative/Consumer Finance category of the 2023 Credit Strategy Leadership Awards. Outside of work Dan enjoys cooking and is a keen golfer.

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